Entries by What The Feis

Irish Dance Terms .v3

Irish Dance Terms are our attempt to label those Irish Dance things we know, but which don’t have a ‘real name’. clusterfeis noun clus·ter·feis \ˈklə-stər-fɛʃ\ 1 : a complex and utterly disordered and mismanaged situation :  a muddled mess, when it comes to anything related to Irish Dance 2 : a way to say what you are […]

Shoe Shining – You Got What It Takes?

Last week I received a message from a Facebook follower that highlights the potential dangers of pre-Feis shoe shining. Thankfully, she saw the humor, and admits she is accident prone, so she wanted to share the story. I was upset that she had been injured, but saw the humor in her story, and asked if […]

The Shoe Shine Contest

Most all of you know my affinity for well polished dance shoes. I feel so strongly, I have even written a blog post on how I do my daughters shoes, because, you know, I can rock a can of Kiwi. Well, in the spirit of competition, fun, and to help motivate you guys into putting a […]

2015 24 Days of Irish Dance Business List

Just wanted to post the entire 2015 business list from the 24 Days of Irish Dance Businesses in case you missed one, or as an easy reference when you shop with these fine people again (especially #24, no pressure 😉 ). Hang in There Creations: http://www.Facebook.com/hangintherecreations and http://www.hangintherecreations.com. Used Solo Dresses: https://www.facebook.com/usedsolodresses and https://www.usedsolodresses.com/ Ghillie Quick: https://www.facebook.com/GhillieQuick and […]

Cincinnati Feis 2015 PC/OC Review

Be sure to take a look at the previous posts. I am streamlining this one a bit so as not to get to repetitive. Before I get to the review, I want to give props to the Cincinnati Feis Committee. Not only did they read and comment on last years review, but before the feis […]

Where have all the feis reviews gone?

In a recent comment, a Facebook reader mentioned that she liked it better when I was doing more feis reviews and less of the sarcasm and humor (I am paraphrasing). I have to say, I kind of agree, not with the sarcasm and humor part, that comes easy for me, but about the feis reviews. […]

Building an Irish Dance Practice Stage…

…by someone who sits on his butt in front of a computer most days. I can be handy. I have done handy stuff, but lately I have focused more on easier projects like light fixtures, ceiling fans, adding door locks and dimmer switches, replacing toilets and their parts, putting prefab shelves together, etc… I have […]