2015 24 Days of Irish Dance Business List

Just wanted to post the entire 2015 business list from the 24 Days of Irish Dance Businesses in case you missed one, or as an easy reference when you shop with these fine people again (especially #24, no pressure 😉 ).

  1. Hang in There Creations: http://www.Facebook.com/hangintherecreations and http://www.hangintherecreations.com.
  2. Used Solo Dresses: https://www.facebook.com/usedsolodresses and https://www.usedsolodresses.com/
  3. Ghillie Quick: https://www.facebook.com/GhillieQuick and http://GhillieQuick.etsy.com
  4. Sammie Swan Yoga: https://www.facebook.com/thesoarmethod and http://www.sammieswanyoga.com/
  5. Kay Hire: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10153160513677689&id=105105752688
  6. Feis Buddies: https://www.facebook.com/FeisBuddies/ and http://www.feisbuddies.com/
  7. Rince Couture: – https://www.facebook.com/Rince-Couture-917494618330654 and https://www.etsy.com/shop/RinceCouture
  8. Shamrock Soaps: https://www.facebook.com/shamrocksoaps/ and http://www.shamrocksoapswi.com/
  9. Action Fabrics: https://www.facebook.com/Action-Fabrics-and-Trim-206916322779964/ and http://actionfabrics.com/
  10. Jewelry through Magnabilities: https://www.facebook.com/Creynolds.magnabilities
  11. All For A Jig: https://www.facebook.com/All-For-A-Jig-408465669211020/
  12. Irish Dancing Magazine: https://www.facebook.com/The-Irish-Dancing-Magazine-111938632155397 and http://www.irishdancing.com/
  13. Curly Girlz(Iirsh): http://www.curlygirlz.net/irish-dancer-pins.html#.VmS–7grLIU
  14. ReelRobics: https://www.facebook.com/reelrobics/
  15. Liffey Rivers Books: https://www.facebook.com/The-Liffey-Rivers-Irish-Dancer-Mysteries-405975679600950/
  16. Doug Lowder Sets: http://douglowder.com/Set_Dances.html
  17. Gena Dewey Books: http://vbs20.com/Irish/sample-page/
  18. No One’s Watching Book: https://www.facebook.com/NoOnesWatchingYAfiction/?ref=profile
  19. J & K Designs: http://www.jkdesignsar.com/Irishdance.html
  20. DeWalt-Designs: https://www.facebook.com/DeWalt-Designs-662455277156177
  21. Feis Kidz: https://www.facebook.com/feiskidz and https://www.facebook.com/CatsGotMyCotton/
  22. Coughlan’s Irish Imports: https://www.facebook.com/coughlansii
  23. Ballinvilla Products: https://www.facebook.com/Ballinvilla-Products-124842750865451
  24. Irish Dance TShirt Company: https://www.facebook.com/irishdancetshirts/ and http://irishdancetshirtcompany.com/

Until next year 🙂

Shamrock Soaps Giveaway Winners Announced!

1ed128b7fc8fa39c72b9bf9e1b900768Congratulations to the winners of the Shamrock Soaps Giveaway! They are (names as listed in the original comments):

  • DancerMom
  • Bonnie
  • Michelle

Heather from Shamrock Soaps has your email and will be in touch on how to collect your prize.

Congratulations Winners!

Missed the contest? Be sure to check out Shamrock Soaps! They have a line of  body products locally made in Wisconsin. With a line for Irish Dancers, and products for their support teams (aka us), I think you will find something you like, I did!. You can find the site at Shamrock Soaps and can purchase on line at Shamrock Soaps on Etsy. They are also on Facebook at Shamrock Soaps.



Heather, the owner contacted me and asked if I would like to write a review or possibly host a giveaway to help promote her business, and we decided to do both. Please take a minute or two to read the first product review by WTF. Details of the the Giveaway are below the review.

1ed128b7fc8fa39c72b9bf9e1b900768The Company

Shamrock Soaps is a line of  body products locally made in Wisconsin. With a line for Irish Dancers, and products for their support teams (aka us), I took it upon myself to review one of each. You can find the site at Shamrock Soaps and can purchase on line at Shamrock Soaps on Etsy. They are also on Facebook at Shamrock Soaps.

The Product Reviews

Kick Your Bum Foot and Body Balm

I have always had an issue with dry skin on my feet, so bad, I am sad to admit, they could be on one of those infommercials. They can get so dry and cracked, it hurts to walk. When Heather offered me the chance to try a product, and I saw she had something for dry feet, I figured, what the heck.

I have tried lots of other options, lotions, creams and butters. They are messy to apply and make me slide around in my socks. I never stick to a program with those products even though I know I should. I’m still a guy, remember. So, honestly, I did not know what to expect when I said I would try the foot balm.

I was very pleasantly surprised. The foot balm comes in a tube, kind of like a pushpop, and is very easy to apply. Rubbed a little into my heels, put on some socks and went to bed. The next morning I saw a noticeable improvement. After a few days, my heels looked like normal people feet, and I have used the balm every day since. I can honestly say my feet have not felt or looked this good for a very long time. The instructions say use at night, but since I really don’t like sleeping in socks, I put it on my feet after my morning shower, don the socks, and head off for my day.

If there was any negative, it would be the fragrance. Let me try that again, the fragrance is fine, for a woman, or a girl, but when your 6’5″ and built like an ex football player, you probably should not smell like flowers. I think it is Lavender, but that’s a guy guess. Obviously I didn’t mind and am secure enough with my masculinity to have used it everyday for nearly two weeks. Actually the smell is relaxing, but would probably not fit most mens grooming routines.

I recommend this highly, 5 stars (out of 5) and will continue to use it. You can see the product on the Shamrock Soaps Etsy shop at Kick Your Bum Foot and Body Balm

Subtle hint to Heather, maybe a balm that smells like the beer soap? No pressure 😉

Irish Stout Beer Soap

And speaking of beer soap, how could I not try something made with Irish Stout.

Great soap, lathers really well and has a nice smell which is described as hoppy on the website. Not sure I would say hoppy, as that makes me think of an IPA, but it is a very nice, natural scent. Not at all like beer, so you don’t need to worry about smelling like a six-pack when you get to work. The site also recommends using it as a shampoo, which I did not try, sorry. It did not dry out my skin like some soaps.

Any negative would be it only lasted two weeks, but thinking about that a little more, I have never judged long how long a bar of soap lasts, so maybe that is normal.

I would give it 4.5 out of 5 stars. You can see the product at the Shamrock Soaps Etsy shop at Irish Stout Beer Soap.

The Giveaway

Shamrock Soaps will be giving three lucky people the product of their choice and free shipping for that product. To see the products, visit the website and the online shop.

To Enter the Giveaway

To enter, simply add your name, email and a short comment in the comment section below (emails will not be displayed and will be used ONLY for the purposes of this giveaway).  Entries will be accepted  until midnight on October 31st, 2014 and the winners will be chosen at random on November 1st from the comments on this post. Entrants must also either LIKE the Shamrock Soaps Facebook page OR sign up for the Shamrock Soaps newsletter on the sites homepage to be eligible to win.

Good Luck!