Entries by What The Feis

A Feis-Free Weekend!? WTF?

Actually have this weekend and next off from Feising, and then Pittsburgh for the Pittsburgh Halloween Feis and Dayton for the Gem City Feis (yeah, only a 30 minute drive!). If anyone is dancing before then and wants to add a feis review, please let me know here by leaving a comment, or on Twitter […]

The St Louis Gateway Feis Review

The St Louis Gateway Feis was held on August 26th, 2012 at The Renaissance Hotel, St Louis,  MO. Venue – The Renaissance was really nice. A cool bar/coffee/restaurant with fun little niches for private conversations, eclectic setting and furniture, fun chairs with foot stools, nice lobby with ceramic title and cool mirrored surfaces, but, as a feis venue, it […]

Well, so much for that ‘next big thing’….

After hearing about the ‘one soft shoe, one hard shoe’ performance idea, the Feis Association Regarding Comical Entertainment (FARCE) has banned the idea. In addition to muffled clicks from only one hard shoe, bangs were not happening as often as expected, and when they did, they were scaring the older judges because of there unexpected occurrence. So much […]

New Irish Dance Trend…

…and you heard it here first! This just in, a new hair style for competition is about to hit the streets and WTF acquired this previously unreleased photo from one of our sources. If I were you, I would expect to see mis-matched wig and hair colors as early as this weekend. Sources also tell us […]

Watching her grow… a haiku

OK, so now you get to see the softer side of WTF. A haiku describing the changes I have seen in my daughter because of Irish dance. clumsy, like a fawn but feis after feis she grows like a doe, graceful and if for some reason I have broken some haiku structure rule, tough, I’m […]