Louisville Feis Review

What to say about the Louisville Feis, held 6/16/2012,  well how about….

Thumbs up for the judging as they rotated often.  Not doing that is one of my big pet peeves.

Results came out fairly quickly,  somewhere between 10 and 30 minutes after each dance but typically closer to 10. Good job there!

Food was typical but pretty good and not outrageously priced.

I am afraid that is where the positives have to stop though.

The new venue,  although I hear through the grapevine is just temporary, is terrible.  Small and very cramped with inadequate seating and camping space and very loud,  so loud in fact the musician stopped and tried to hush the crowd.  Sorry,  call them like I see them.

Music was an issue with musicians playing for two stages at the same time.  Fine if they are both on the same version of the dance,  but otherwise it slowed everything down, sometimes quite a bit with one stage not dancing at all. I do have to give BIG PROPS to the musician that played stages 2 and 3. She played continuously and I saw her take only one break.

And speaking of slow,  we averaged about an 75 minutes between dances whereas last week in Cincinnati we did 4 dances in 2 hours.

Vendors were limited with shoes,  wigs and zucas but there was some jewelry and non-feis Irish apparel.

Sorry Louisville,  but the WTF rating for this years feis is only a 4.5.

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