The 7 Stages of Purchasing Your First Solo Dress

peggyAnother post for my Feis Dad Gig out on Antonio Pacelli. I noticed a similarity between a few different ‘life events’.

Typically, ‘The 7 Stages’ are associated with something completely different, but I have come to find, that they are the exact same stages of purchasing your first, and subsequent solo dresses.

Don’t believe me? See the The 7 Stages of Purchasing a Solo Dress

1 reply
  1. Lark
    Lark says:

    Thanks for the grins this morning – I quite agree with you, especially about the $$, and the dealing with the dressmaker and the inevitable stress waiting for the bloody thing and the disappointment when it isn’t quite what your darling wanted and/or doesn’t fit properly. Thank Heavens I can sew. Everyone asks Miss M who her dressmaker is, and virtually everyone is shocked when they find out that her mother makes her dresses. Her first, non-“preowned” dress – made by a well known and coveted maker – was a disaster that required hours of my own time & skills to make fit, and I learned enough deconstructing that $1200 dress to be able to save myself a bundle of money (though not the stress :-P) and give her something unique which fits and flatters her. I am also lucky that she would rather wear what I design for her than go through the disappointment of dealing with long-distance dressmakers who like to “surprise” you, and then are genuinely shocked when you don’t like what they’ve done. I hope TGC has had better luck with hers, at least. 🙂


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