Shamrock Soaps Giveaway Winners Announced!

1ed128b7fc8fa39c72b9bf9e1b900768Congratulations to the winners of the Shamrock Soaps Giveaway! They are (names as listed in the original comments):

  • DancerMom
  • Bonnie
  • Michelle

Heather from Shamrock Soaps has your email and will be in touch on how to collect your prize.

Congratulations Winners!

Missed the contest? Be sure to check out Shamrock Soaps! They have a line of  body products locally made in Wisconsin. With a line for Irish Dancers, and products for their support teams (aka us), I think you will find something you like, I did!. You can find the site at Shamrock Soaps and can purchase on line at Shamrock Soaps on Etsy. They are also on Facebook at Shamrock Soaps.


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