
Irish Dancers Be Like Their Shoes…


You Might Be A Feis Mom…

Had an idea to to take my You Might Be An Irish Dance Parent blog post from my Feis Dad series on Antonio Pacelli and turn it into a tshirt(s). I have spent a few hours on this design and can probably spend a few more tweaking it. Thought it might be a good time to get an opinion before I spend those extra hours.

Sorry for all the shirt posts… had some extra time and like creating when I can, but anyway…

So, if you have a minute, click the image and then let me know in the poll below if it is shirt-worthy. If you have additional comments, please add them below. Thanks in advance!

NOTE: I probably won’t add anymore text because I think it will get really hard to read if I do.

[poll id=”53″]

Thank You Lord Status

This started out as a Facebook status I thought up on a drive into work. Posted it on Facebook and the Twitters and it was a little popular, so I thought I would add it to the blog for posterity sake, plus, I really am thankful for all this:

Thank You Lord for one more day,
of all the things I have,
Irish Dance, the friends its brought,
and the chance to make them laugh.

Thank you all for being my friends.